Instantly contacting a new prospective customer while intent is high is key to increasing your chances of conversion.
The Unbiased welcome message feature enables you to trigger a templated response to a customer enquiry the minute its accepted, providing the perfect opportunity to develop a positive relationship from the off.
The three key goals of a triggered welcome message include:
- Establishing a positive relationship with the client from the start;
- Setting out the process and providing specific overview of your services and credentials;
- Encouraging them to book in that first initial meeting.
Here are some welcome message tips and guidelines from some of our highest performing advisers:
- Thank them for their enquiry and inform them you are looking forward to speaking with them to help further.
- Reiterate your firm's name and the advice areas you provide, as well as any key qualifications, your restricted or whole of market status, and anything else that will create trust in your service.
- Provide a brief summary of the next steps. Emphasise that there will be an initial call to understand more about their needs and see how you can help them.
- Invite them to book in the call. Using our meeting functionality means you can sync your diary so they can instantly book an appointment. Make sure you also include your phone number and email.
- Direct them to any testimonials or reviews (this can be on your own website or your Unbiased profile).
Don’t forget, enquiries eligible for a refund are only permitted on those where an Unbiased welcome message was triggered to the enquirer.