Booking Meeting URL for Leads

Our research shows that having a meeting URL linked to your Unbiased profile increases enquiry ('lead') conversion

When accepting an enquiry ('lead') from Unbiased, the prospect will be sent an email informing them someone from your company will be in touch to provide them with professional advice.

We've spoken to nearly 1,000 people that submitted enquiries, and many of them stated that they would like to book a time to talk to you. A couple of the reasons they cited included:

  • Convenience (they could choose a time that worked for them)
  • Confidence (knowing that you also would have time to speak with them)

If you already use Meeting Scheduling software (such as Calendly, Hubspot or one of many others), you can now add your meeting booking URL to your Unbiased Profile. If you do not use meeting scheduling software but are an Outlook / Microsoft 365 user, then you can use Microsoft Bookings (linked to your Outlook calendar). See their Microsoft Bookings setup guide. This is normally free with your Microsoft subscription.

Simply click on the Profiles menu button, click the Profile you want to edit, scroll down to Contact Details and then enter your Meeting Booking URL. Be sure to use the Test URL button to make sure your meeting link works.


  • ✅ DO only enter a URL that links directly to a meeting booking page e.g. 
  • ❌ DO NOT link to:
    • ❌ Pages that ask users to create an account
    • ❌ Pages that ask users to submit another enquiry / more information
    • ❌ Pages that are broken (test your link!)
    • ❌ Pages that are not a meeting booking page

Note: If you have any Custom Profiles, these will need updating individually.

Doing this will result in your lead receiving an email that looks similar to the image below (note the large Book your meeting time call to action button - which our tests have proved most effective in helping to establish first contact with your lead, reducing no-shows and unanswered phone calls).


If you would like advice and support, your Account Manager is able to conduct an account review to ensure you are getting the most from your subscription.

Please email: or call 0121 285 6986 during office hours.