Complaints & Feedback

At Unbiased, we strive to provide you with exceptional customer service, and understand that addressing your concerns promptly is essential to maintaining customer satisfaction. 

We request all feedback and complaints be made by email to 

Here's a brief overview of how we handle complaints and issues internally: 

  • Initial Contact: Our Customer Support team will review your complaint or issue and seek to carefully understand and troubleshoot the cause. 
  • Escalation: If your complaint requires escalation, it will be passed to the relevant department and seniority within our company, ensuring it receives specialised attention  
  • Investigation and Resolution: Our team will investigate the matter thoroughly, aiming to identify the root cause and provide a solution. 
  • Communication: We'll keep you informed throughout the process, providing regular updates by email. 
  • Resolution and Follow-Up: Once a resolution is reached, we'll communicate the outcome to you promptly. We also welcome your feedback on our handling of the complaint. 

If your complaint is specific to conversion, return on investment or your subscription, we encourage you to reach out to your Account Manager to troubleshoot this further. 

If your complaint is specific to an enquiry refund or an aspect of our platform, please contact our customer support team at, where we will respond to you at the earliest opportunity. Please note that our response time for a resolution can be up to 3 weeks, although we will strive to action this more quickly. 

Our goal is to ensure that every concern is addressed with care and professionalism. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.