Enquiry Quality-Assurance

To drive quality enquiries and reduce spam, low-intent, and non-genuine leads, Unbiased uses a combination of validation and verification to verify enquirer submissions and their contact information.

These methods include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • 2-step SMS verification: to verify each lead's intent and contact information;  
  • Phone number validation: to ensure genuine and live contact telephony details;
  • reCAPTCHA technology: wedistinguish between human and 
    automated access to websites, preventing bots from creating enquiries;
  • Spam filters: to prevent spam and non-genuine email addresses;
  • Domain blocking: Active restrictions against leads submitted with disposable or temporary email domains;
  • User journey blockers: for example, if a customer choose 'equity release' or 'defined benefit' they are automatically asked to verify they are over 55 years in order to proceed;
  • Lead preparation: providing leads with relevant info on their matched firm at point of match, along with tips and preparation guides so they are primed to receive contact;
  • Low-intent cancellation process: enquirers who use our matchflow and decide to not proceed are invited to cancel their enquiry to avoid wasting the time and effort of all parties.